Monday, July 7, 2008

The Experiment

I am intrigued by ads. On Facebook and on Gmail, sometimes even the Adsense on this blog. So I have decided to do an experiment.

I was chatting with a friend and it went something like this:

Me: Just curious, what kind of ads to you get?
Reply: Mostly weight loss stuff (Note: the person is a girl with initals of A.A., meaning she's not fat at all)
Me: Heh... I get some too, you should put your "tennis" into your interests and activities, see that will change anything?
Reply: Idk... I think I do have some
So I've decided to start an experiment. On Facebook, my profile shall be re-typed to make me look like the largest person ever... take a look:

and (comment if you can't read it, or just go on FB)

Now, I'm going to record every single ad I find on Facebook while browsing my normal browsing experience. This will kill my time but I hope this is worth it...

So here's the data so far...
7/708    New York Film Academy     Get Smart    Congratulations...    Got Debt? Get free relief    Baby's Diaper Rash    Virgin Mobile: Arc    Gambling Hotline: 5 Times    We Can Solve It    Circuit City: 2 times    Shutterfly    Vacations to    University of Phoenix: 3 times    Blockbuster
If you're interested, you can access the Google Docs spreadsheet from here (didn't use Zoho because I'm not familiar with its sharing features...). Or take a look at the bottom.

EDIT: I changed my sex to female to enhance the experiment...along with a picture of a sumo wrestler for a profile pic.


Got comments? Post them below!


  1. Hahahahahhahaha.
    I'm curious about the results though.

  2. I'm pretty positive the ads you get have absolutely nothing to do with your or anyone else's profile.
    It pretty much has to do with which advertiser is paying fb more. So I guess at the end of your experiment you'll have a good idea of where fb's sponsors stand, but that's about it.

  3. I know, but that's why it's an experiment.... :)
