1. After being in the sea for more than 80 years, the artifacts of Titanic got to experience the waters all over again. Last month, the Titanic exhibit at Pittsburgh had a busted pipe, thus flooding the exhibit. Damage was minimal on the various artifacts, the main attraction being the hull, due to two reasons:
1. The water immediately flowed to the gift shop hoping to see the reruns of the Titanic movie playing on the TVs.
2. The response time was minimized when the janitor saw a frozen Leonardo DiCaprio float past him in the aquarium.
(Picture by nol)
2. A window cleaner who dropped 25 meters suffered what I (and possibly many others) would say is the largest wedgie ever to be delivered to a human being. Luckily, the man was okay but when asked on the scene how he felt, he replied in a high pitch voice: "I'm fine... just take me to the hospital..."It's unclear whether he will ever have kids again or have his dignity back ever again.
3. Jiggling fat is energy, and in this energy hungry world, nothing should go to waste. At least that's what Adrienne So thinks. So (no pun intended) she did a little bit of research and found out that "physics of breast motion have been studied closely for the last two decades by a gamut of researchers." Is there nothing else to do for the scientists (which I'm happy to say most were woman) to study?
So now, the self-conscious teens now have to be even more self-conscious.
"Boy! That girl can power through an entire symphony and still not break a sweat!"Source: Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!
"She can't even go through the Souja Boy song, while dancing."
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