We (MAO people) were about to board the Alcatraz ship (which I must say, was like a freezer) and I saw this crayon-looking piers.
So a long time ago, the great God created the world, but while creating the world, he also created crayons too. Not just any kind of crayons, GIANT crayons...
Using these giant crayons, the first peoples of the world managed to chip off some for their appreciation of art, and thus cave-art was born. But there was a problem... the people of the coast cannot draw their beloved seagulls.

Then, one man had a light bulb turn on.
Why not just color the seagulls?
So the people of the seas got together and started brain storming. Ideas after ideas were tossed away into a giant pit of sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter (which is very important later on). Finally, the greatest idea was conceived, the idea to build enticing poles (made out of crayons of course) for the birds to rest on. That way, the birds can gradually change their color with minimal cost.
And thus, the great construction begun.... workers toiled for months on end, with only the simplest of the simple machines to assist them. At last, after five years of grueling work, the giant poles were completed all over the world. As the workers stared at their great creation, the seagulls one-by-one turned whiter and whiter.
But the giant pit of stupid ideas and sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter still needs to be taken care off. At that time, fire was known as an agent of papyrus destruction and thus was thrown into the pit. The people discovered gunpowder unwillingly...
The pit started hacking away at first, only small coughs but released a giant cough worthy of a place in the universe. Nearby stood crayon mountains and the giant cough threw up the mountains into the sky. The force was sooo great that the mountain was smashed and its parts spread across the four winds. The shrapnel shook away the brown tint of the clouds and covered on it with their pure white colors.
The brown colors then fell all the way to the ground and splattered onto the trees, that's why tress are brown. Though the clouds got rid of the browness, they still have a keen attraction to the brown color of the trees, that's why low clouds usually have a darker tint than higher clouds.
This is how the clouds were covered with white and how seagulls were covered with white and how tress were covered with brown.
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