Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wii Internet Free?

There's a way to get Wii Internet Channel free, and it does not involve time travel back when it actually was free. The method does involve the Twilight hack and the Homebrew channel, which requires the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game, and an SD card (maybe a USB drive might work... but I'm pretty sure it can't). 

  1. Install the the Homebrew channel on your Wii - this step itself has quite a huge number of tutorials written on it. Basically, you just load some awesome stuff on your SD card, save that as a saved game file for Zelda, and let the code do its magic. It may look scary but it's not... really, I promise. And you also get several other awesome features like DVD playback (link also contains a tutorial to install Homebrew channel) and emulators. Run the homebrew at least once to test it out. 
  2. Use an SD card to put the following files on there (Note: these files are not the original from where I downloaded them, they were modified as they were not working well):
  3. On your SD card, create a folder called wad at the root of the card and unzip the Opera WAD files into it. Next, unzip the WAD installers stuff into the apps folder (which should already be created if you installed the Homebrew channel). I know there's two folders in the WAD installers but I'm not sure which one did the magic for me.
  4. Insert SD card inside your Wii and run Homebrew. Run the program called WAD Installer or something similiar. The program will then ask you to input the WAD files. Using the Wii-mote, navigate over to the wad folder where you put the Opera files in. Proceed with the installation (which might take 5 to 10 minutes).
  5. Enjoy your internet (probably need a Wii restart though)


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