Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Lazy

Instead of being original, I've decided to pull off some things from around the nets. 

8800 Pennies (just watch):

1 kilometer > 1 mile fail:

This is my grandfather. He died a year ago. He was a b.a.:

There is a bit of a back story on him and this picture as well. During the beginning of WWII he was in the Dutch Mounted Police (and the resistance), he refused to salute a Nazi and was thrown in a concentration camp. He narrowly escaped death when they accidentally let him go free the day before he was to be executed.

He spent the rest of the war in the resistance training new saboteurs and interrogating Nazis. He also apparantly was responsible for saving the lives of several paratroopers during Operation Market Garden by ferrying them across the Rheine in a yellow rubber dinghy.

After the liberation he joined the Stootroepers and thats when this picture was taken. He was the first Dutch army man to arrive in this small town on his motorcycle after the Germans had left and all the women wanted to have their picture taken with him.
He then went on to fight in the Dutch East Indies, for the rest of the war.

After the war he was employed by the Dutch Secret intelligence equivalent performing interrogations on ex-nazis and other enemies of the state. Then during the cold war he had to flee Europe for Canada when apparently the Russians found out the names of the interrogators families and threaten to kill them all.

He spent the rest of his years doing nothing much of importance, well besides raising a family and trying to forgot everything that happened to him.

We only found this all out after he had passed on, before that I just he was a funny old man who had a talent for really wiggling his ears, and a hatred of all types of violence.


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