Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Space is huge. To this day, I can never bend my mind around something that big. The quantative data are all there that I accept as fact, yet I can never imagine nor visualize what a "billion galaxies" or a light year is.

Those comparisons to the miles you have to walk, or number of shoes that you'll use up to walk one light year are no use. Sure they give you some fun trivia facts, but those numbers are still too huge for my mind to comprehend (and I'm pretty sure for must humans). It's like knowing how hot 110 degrees is for a person who stayed in Canada all his or her life, but never being to the Gobi desert. Once the person reaches the desert, he'll actually understand. Telling him that it's double the temperature you're used to feeling is ludicrous.

So when I heard that at least a hundred billion galaxies in our universe, I said "so what." A hundred billions doesn't sound like a lot. The national debt is now what? Twelve trillion or some number bigger than that? Billions now all of a sudden sounds quite small.

Then I saw this post. 10,000 is a number I can comprehend. If there're 10 thousand galaxies in a speck of the sky, I can somewhat visualize what 10 billion is. That just blows my mind that we're something that insignificant. If we are truely the only living, thinking species in this universe, that's even more mindblowing.

Just think about this, the inifinite monkey theorem:

The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
At least ten billion galaxies in this universe, each at least with 1 trilliion stars. That's 10^22 right there and with so many stars comes the posibility of many planets, with many possibly able to hold life. If we're the only thinking species out there, I'm going to be a very, very, very appreciative man.

I really don't know what I was talking about in this post... but maybe this will clear it up:


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