The other day at Rex, our family was looking around for some cheap deals on home theater in a box. I now find it ironic that their name is called Rex (as in T-rex... get it?) as they just announced that they were closing their store here in Tallahassee, just like Circuit City is. Good thing hhgreg came in or it'll be a Best Buy monoply on the big electronic items.
Anyways, the store was almost empty and I saw a few media players. I went there and started looking around, all of them was $50 or so and not very attractive. But one, priced at a whopping $150 caught my eye.
Upon close inspection, I cound out that it was a Toshiba HD-DVD player. Remember what a HD-DVD is? Remember back when there was a format war this past year? No.. not the betamax vs vcr one... yeah, the one with the disks...
Now, its a dead technology with Toshiba abadoning the project.
Why in the world is it still selling for $150?
Went online, and poked around, then I saw this site retailing a HD-DVD player for 400 bucks with no mention on it being dead. I wouldn't trust MyDigitalUniverse...
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