Thursday, January 22, 2009

Playing Games for High School Class?

I'm a student in the great state of Florida but let's just say that Florida is known more for its sandy beaches than its great education. I think it's around 30th out of the 50 states. But despite all that, I still love that I can get free online education out of my parents' tax money.

Over at, the state of Florida provides students with the oppurtunity to get school credits online. This way, we can 1. Take classes above and beyond or those that's not offered at our school or 2. Let the lazy seniors catch up. One day while I was on there doing my AP Computer Science work, I saw an interesting banner near the top advertising a "course" that it a game. Quoting from the website:

Created in partnership with 360Ed, Conspiracy Code engages students by bringing history to life in an interactive, 3D environment. Students are immersed into high-tech Coverton City where they play the game as characters, Eddie Flash and Libby Whitetree. As Eddie and Libby, students explore engaging environments, meet a diverse cast of characters and unravel a vast conspiracy taking place in Coverton City. Students demonstrate their knowledge of American History as they complete mission-based assignments. Florida certified FLVS teachers facilitate the student’s journey through this course while assessing and grading work.

Sounds cool? ehh.. the video looks really corny. Maybe it's just me, but when I play games, I focus on killing the enemy, not going around and learning about American History... (anybody know how to download the flash video, I tried the Firefox method but got something blank... and sorry about the autoplay)

- Link


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1 comment:

  1. I wish all my courses were video games.

    I bet Calc BC would be intense. Probably full of man-eating integrals, divide-by-zero black holes, and scary pictures of Mrs. Johnson. (Ok that last one may earn it an M rating...)
