Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Beautry Pagent

Uhm, this is really weird... I got a letter from the Miss America organization asking me if I want to participate in Miss Florida. Notice the use of the word Miss...

So here's the letter (Click on the images to zoom them):

Inside it contains a letter (click image to read it):

They even included a nice brochure for me:

Uhm, anybody interested in actually participating in them, as I'm not eligible?


Got comments? Post them below!


  1. Hahahahahaha.
    I think you should try it, Marshall.

  2. Yes! try it! :D might want to blur out your address...

  3. lmao, theres a woman at work who was bragging because her daughter got this in the mail. I kept it to myself that I got one too a few years back, and that they just mail millions of them out to anyone. This proves my case that her daughter is not as special as her mother thinks she is :P
